Thursday, December 26, 2019

Human Development The Importance Of Human And Lifespan...

Introduction Lifespan development is the process of growth that takes place from the day we are born until the day we die. According to John W. Santrock, development is defined as, â€Å"a pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues throughout the lifespan; most development involves growth, although it also includes decline brought on by aging, ending with death† (Santrock, 2015). Human development is an important area of study because it can helps us to understand certain behaviours, and what can affect these ways of behaving which ultimately affect their life choices and consequences. For example, from studying this area of development we are able to learn about whether the instinct of â€Å"right and wrong† is innate†¦show more content†¦This process begun with an interview with the adult, discussing their life from early childhood through to present adulthood. This allowed me to hear personal experiences, from someone I knew that had a unique a nd personal story that could be told from their perspective. For the data analysis I took principles from thematic analysis. This involved reading through my transcript in order to understand the summary of the information, which allowed me to begin identifying the most important statements. Following this I was able to identify what topics and theories could relate to specific quotes that my interviewee discussed, and finally write a report to finalise the study. Ethics When conducting a study that involves other individuals, it is important to recognise that there are principles of ethical research that need to be considered. There are four main sections that are covered to ensure that the study is ethically sound, which are: Justice Beneficence Respect Non-Maleficence The research that I have conducted for this report follows these ethical principles, and consent of the following study has been given by the Human Ethics Committee Of Victoria University of Wellington. To ensure that all these ethics were followed, I completed an ethics module provided by theShow MoreRelatedPsychological Factors That Influence Human Behavior1079 Words   |  5 PagesPsychology for Health and Social Care. Submission date: 04/11/2015 Psychological Factors That Influence Human Behaviour Throughout The Life course. Introduction; According to Crawford and Walker(2010), the life course is defined in literature as, â€Å"The progression and path an individual takes from conception to death.† (Crawford and walker, 2012, p.3). The study of the life course and human development is extremely complex and could be described as interdisciplinary as it encompasses many fields of studyRead MoreChild s Play Is Very Important1137 Words   |  5 PagesUniversity Family Life Education Workshop Child’s play is very important. There are many different ways to go about playing with your child. I will be doing a workshop that focuses on the important of child play. This will include the importance of parent/ child interaction, as well as activities you can do to engage your child and help your child learn. 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Some examples of these theories consist of the five factor theory of personality and neo-social analytic theory (Specht et alRead MoreLosing Isiah1556 Words   |  7 PagesEarly childhood is the most important phase of development in one’s lifespan as the experiences during childhood sets the course for later stages of development. It has been noted that a mother’s actions during pregnancy may influence the development of an infant. The developmental influences include prenatal, perinatal and neonatal environments. (Santrock, 2002) Although babies come into the world with no say or control over which fam ily they will be placed into, or the environment in which theyRead MoreThe Cultural Nature Of Human Development1257 Words   |  6 PagesResearch on human development has been much devoted towards determining when one should expect children to be capable of certain skills. Every day, our communities develop as generations of individuals make choices and invent solutions to changing circumstances. Our ongoing daily activities, ranging from learning when to brush our teeth, to learning the numbers on a telephone. Barbara Rogoff’s The Cultural Nature of Human Development discusses cultural patterns as they relate to human development. HumanRead MoreTheories Of Human Development1401 Words   |  6 PagesHuman development is an active process resulting from interactions between an individual and their environment. The processes involved in an individual’s development and overall life outcomes are complex, everchanging, and unique. Given the complexity of human development , the central tenets of my professional conceptual foundation of development include biological factors inherent in the individual, psychological influences, and social interactions. Thus, my professional perspective can best beRead MoreErikson s Psychosocial Theory And Psychosocial Development1561 Words   |  7 Pageshas allowed us to know what we know now. There are many theories in the field of psychology or educational psychology that are important to further understand human behavior. However, this paper will focus on only two theories which are; Erikson’s psychosocial theory and Alfred Adler’s Adlerian theory. Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development has always been a great contribution to the field of psychology by Erik Erikson (Berk, 2007). Erikson suggested that everyone experiences a series of psychosocialRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1198 Words   |  5 Pagesaffect our changing attitudes throughout life. starting with developmental psychology. Developmental psychology is the scientific study of how and why human beings change over the course of their life. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Debate On Minimum Wage - 907 Words

The minimum wages are supposed to ensure the hourly wage workers are able to earn enough money to support themselves with the cost of living. Over the years, the cost of living keeps increasing every year due to the inflation and yet the minimum wages have not been changed since 2007. The minimum wages should be increasing along with inflation rates so that way we can ensure that our hourly wage workers have ability to support themselves. In the past nine years, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 14.5% increase in cost of living due to inflation. Due to the inflation, there are currently three millions of American workers may be struggling with their lives because they are making minimum wage. Thus reason minimum wages is the issue on the current policy agenda. The current status of the debate on minimum wage in Washington is very quiet due to the 2016 Presidential election around the corner. Washington have strong influential stakeholders heavily involves with the election campaign. So nobody in Washington wants to play wrong cards with the lobbyists. But the 2016 Presidential election campaign has already triggered the issues of minimum wages in the Democrat candidate’s, Bernie Sanders, campaign. The 2016 Presidential election may be the trigger of changes in the minimum wage issue as it has been a top agenda of some of the candidates and drawn enough attention from the audience. Every federal policy change does have their own impact on theShow MoreRelatedThe Minimum Wage Debate1637 Words   |  7 PagesThe minimum wage debate brings about a range of reactions from different people. There are those who believe that there shouldn’t even be a minimum wage and that wages should be determined by the markets. On the other hand, we have those who vigorously argue for increasing the wage minimum citing inflation, the poverty line and worker productivity. Regardless, we do have a federal minimum wage rate in the United States at $7.25 per hour, with some states having a higher minimum wage than the federalRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debate870 Words   |  4 PagesThe minimum wage debate has recently made a large comeback in United States politics. Contemporary studies show over 3.8 million Americans are paid at or below minimum wage (Dickinson 33). Many have looked skeptically back on past wage systems and have questioned wage’s relationship to current market inflation. In response to this inquiry, a large majority of the general population, relatively unrelated to their degree of income, support legislation to increase the minimum. However, the issue hasRead MoreThe Debate Over The Minimum Wage Debate1737 Words   |  7 Pagesduring Carnegie’s time and would mark the very beginning of long and difficult process to achieve worker’s rights that still continue to this day. The minimum wage debate is without a doubt part of these negotiations and has taken the spotlight in recent years. There are two sides to the minimum wage debate: the employees fighting for higher wages who would like to earn enough to keep food on the table for their family, and the employer who is doing what they can to keep costs low and ensure thatRead MoreThe Debate Over Minimum Wage940 Words   |  4 Pages The debate on raising the minimum wage has been discussed in detail in Congress for the past eighteen months. But as of late, writer William Finnegan suggests, it is â€Å"among the many urgent issues that it [Congress] certainly won’t address.† Though this issue is important, Congress seems to be putting off making any real decision in regards to raising the minimum wage. The bill to raise minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $10.10 and hour over a two year period had been thrown around for monthsRead MoreThe Debate Of Raising Minimum Wage1910 Words   |  8 PagesDebate of Raising Minimum Wage Raising minimum wage has been an ongoing issue for many years. Similar to every debatable issue, pros and cons are inevitable. In the United States, minimum wage started when the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) was passed and minimum wage started at 25 cents per hour. The purpose of setting a minimum wage is to set a maximum workweek and to eliminate child labor. It is defined to be the least amount of money employers are obligated to pay their employees byRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debate ( Hassett Strain )973 Words   |  4 Pagesthink about minimum wage and what our belief on raising it is, most people think one of two things. People hold to the belief that a raise to the minimum wage good for the economy or it is bad for the economy. The authors of â€Å"the minimum wage debate† (Hassett Strain, 2013) would attempt to have us look at the debate in another way. In their article they use a number of rhetorical techniques on us to try and have the reader examine why they are in favor of a raise in the minimum wage. Are we in favorRead MoreThe Debate Over The Federal Minimum Wage2149 Words   |  9 PagesOver the past few years the debate over the raise of the federal minimum wage of the current $7.25 has been argued by both sides, whether it should be raised or not. With both side, the affirmative and negative making strong arguments for their side. We will take a look at how each side frames their issues as how well their counterpart can refute those claims. The affirmative would like to propose the raise of the federal minimum wage to $12.00 by the year 2020; this is the standard that most statesRead MoreEssay on The Debate over Raising the Minimum Wage1502 Words   |  7 PagesThe federal minimum wage was raised to $7.25 an hour by Congress in 2009, something that has been carried out only a handful of times since the establishment of the wage in the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938. Even with this modest rise in income, the minimum wage today does not provide for a decent standard of living. It has failed to keep pace with the wage growth of an average American worker. The minimum wage was intended provide a minimum standard of living; to aid in alleviating povertyRead MoreEffects of Increasing Minimum Wage Essay988 Words   |  4 Pagesidea of having a federal minimum wage is a good one. The idea is to protect low and unskilled workers from discrimination and allow all workers to earn a living wage. The recent debate on the floor, though, is whether or not to raise the minimum wage from the current $7.25 per hour up to $10.10 per hour. President Barack Obama made this proposal during his annual State of the Union Address on January 28, and following this there were many hot debates about it. The debates focused not only on the advantagesRead MoreEffects of Increasing Minimum Wage794 Words   |  3 Pagesa federal minimum wage is a good one. The idea is to protect low and unskilled workers and allow workers to earn a living wage. The recent debate on the floor, though, is whether or not to raise the minimum wage from the current $7.25 per hour up to $10.10. President Barack Obama made this proposal during his annual State of the Union Address, and after this there were many hot debates about it. The debates focused not only on the pro side and the con side of increasing the minimum wage, but also

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Chronic Diseases

Question: What can nurses do to prepare themselves to care for individuals with chronic illness? Answer: Introduction: Chronic means long term and disease means pathological changes of the bodys normal condition. Multiple organ defects may leads to death (Carlin et al., 2012). There are many causes for chronic disease like economical condition, genetical defect, bad life style etc. This is the condition where patients need some extra care and there is the specific role of every nurse. A small outline of the preparation part is demonstrated (Armstrong, 2013). Preparatory outline: In health care system, the nurses plays a great role and the number of nurses in any institution is major than any other professionals. The skills and knowledge of nurses directly depends upon the quality of services in any healthcare organization. So the updated knowledge with high technical skill should require for being a good nurse. Patients can meet nurses more times than the doctors so the information and education for a patient can be concluded by a nurse only (Ghersi, 2014). The main agenda to prepare nurse in chronic illness is to fulfill the changing need of the chronic ill patient and this is very much important for the patient also. The patient is totally dependent upon nurse and their families also depend upon them (Wu, Hu and Ren, 2015). The proper training and knowledge of management of the chronic ill patient is needed for the betterment of the patient. Health education to the family of the patient is needed for long term management of the patient. This education is p rovided by the nurse only (Helgeson and Holmbeck, 2014). In the oncological field most of the patients are suffering from cancer. Handlings of these cancer patients are very critical (Carlin et al., 2012). This type of chronic deadly disease also needs special care and attention so the roles of nurses in these cases are very vital. Plenty of knowledge and upgraded skills for care needs to develop. According to the data the cases of cancer will increase 14% globally after 2012 (Armstrong, 2013).In this situation the proper and updated training of nursing is needed. Healthcare societies and also government should provide the training programs for nurses which helps them to familiarize with the newer technology and services (Ghersi, 2014). Cancer may occur in any place it may be at skin, lungs, mouth etc. Families of the patient also want some special care for the patient and nurses should adopt the techniques for different types of cancer (Helgeson and Holmbeck, 2014). Conclusion: Nurses are the back bone of any health institution. The service provide by the institution is totally depend s upon nurses and the families of the patient also communicates ands depends upon nurses. Government or health institution should deliver learning programs for the registered nurses to update their skills and level of knowledge. This updated knowledge will help the nurses to care the ill patients efficiently. More the nurses develop their skills more the institution gets help from this. Development of indication based chronic disease organization replicas for nurses are the key of success for the institutions. The nursing skill development as well as development of their knowledge to treat the chronic ill patients helps the patient to live long. References Armstrong, D. (2013). Chronic illness: a revisionist account.Sociology of Health Illness, 36(1), pp.15-27. Carlin, C., Christianson, J., Keenan, P. and Finch, M. (2012). Chronic Illness and Patient Satisfaction.Health Services Research, 47(6), pp.2250-2272. Ghersi, D. (2014). Research translation and chronic illness.The Medical Journal of Australia, 201(6), p.312. Helgeson, V. and Holmbeck, G. (2014). An Introduction to the Special Issue on Peer Relations in Youth With Chronic Illness.Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Wu, Q., Hu, D. and Ren, J. (2015). Chronic Critical Illness Should Be Considered in Long-Term Mortality Study Among Critical Illness Patients.Critical Care Medicine, 43(2), p.e57.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Writing for Web Scanners

WRITING FOR WEB SCANNERS It’s time to swallow your pride and face facts – visitors to your website aren’t going to put the same effort into reading you web content as you do writing it. If you’re lucky, a reader will scan your headlines, bolded items, and the first sentence or two of your paragraphs. You can’t expect visitors to read every single page on your website. So make sure that you get your message across by repeating key information – especially your company and product differentiators – on multiple pages. Go ahead and direct readers via strategic links to your warranty, special offers, product benefits, and other important information, just in case they happened to miss one of your main points on another page. Don’t overlook one of the most essential pieces of information: your contact information. Don’t make readers search for your contact information frustrated visitors may leave your site if they can’t find what they’re looking for. Clearly marked contact information – including a phone number, email address, and physical address, if possible – is necessary for establishing credibility. Include a â€Å"Contact† button on your navigation, and put your contact info at the bottom of every page.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Corporate Vision

Corporate Vision Free Online Research Papers Vision Content Paper Introduction Vision â€Å"should be a guide, inspiring, directive, and large.† (Leading Authorities, 2009). â€Å"A vision is the preferred future, a desirable state, and ideal state. It is an expression of optimism. A vision is a general statement encompassing the direction an agency wants to take and the desired end result once it gets there. It is the vision of what those involved what their organization to become.† (, 2007) In addition, a vision for an organization needs to be communicated in order to be effective and received the buy-in necessary to carry out its objective. This is also very true when there is a large and profound change the need to occur with the organization such as the one Victoria Hospital Redesign Initiative undertook. This paper will discuss the Victoria’s vision, mission, and strategy for achieving their vision and what they did well and what techniques they could have used to improve the goal. The Vision Victoria’s vision â€Å"was to provide a positive environment with effective results for patients, who would move through the various phases of care†¦in a seamless efficient fashion.† (Leban and Stone, 2008). This vision was integral to the sustainability of the hospital to exist in a highly competitive market. This vision was also required to offset the external environmental factor such as lack of funding by the government and raising cost in health care. In creating a more positive and efficient environment the current internal structure and other resources such as technology will need to be reexamine and redefined to fit into the Victoria’s new vision and mission. Dr. Frelick vision was clear and direct, that is, it wanted to re-engineer the hospital‘s processes, maximize its technology, and create other streams of revenue though entrepreneurial spirit. His vision received initial support, but later succumbed to scrutiny by the board of direct ors and some of his senior staff. To get full acceptance of his vision, Dr. Frelick, will have to persuade and stress the important of the vision to the survival of the organization. Victoria Hospital’s Mission The hospital mission’s statement â€Å"was to provide excellent, compassionate healthcare care for its community; to provide comprehensive health education; and to seek answers though health sciences research.† However, when Dr. Frelick became CEO, he modified the mission to â€Å"develop care plans across the continuum of care; develop new work processes to streamline operations and reduce costs; and focus on delivering quality care directed at meeting patients’ services need.† (Leban and Stone, 2008). This new mission statement helps to support his newly created vision he wanted to implement in order to push Victoria hospital into a better competitive position and profitability while provide excellent service to their patients. Strategy for Vision Success A strategic three point plan had been laid out by Dr. Frelick to achieve his vision for the hospital. His first strategy involved, â€Å"brining the organization structure into line with the way the hospital cared for patients.† (Leban and Stone, 2008). The second strategy required a change in the way they used their technology to meet expected patient outcomes, and deal with resources. The third strategy included entrepreneurial abilities to aid the vision. All three of these strategies requires a plan, therefore, Dr. Frelick assembled a team headed by senior management to develop the plan, thereby involving staff member in the plan. In crafting the vision, the teams brainstormed, developed a prototype interdisciplinary care teams, and developed specific guidelines by which the care teams would follow. Since communication is a key ingredient to get buy-in from everyone involved in the change, he also involved is senior staff in his vision from the beginning and †Å"presented the goals, the strategy for implementation, and the financial targets to the board of directors for information and support.† (Leban and Stone, 2008). He held multiple planning sessions but only receive a modest amount of buy-in from his senior staff. He wasn’t persuasive enough to carry his vision to everyone. He attempted to directly ask for their support and leadership. However, this proved to be a weak approach because the levels of enthusiasm were not consistence. Dr. Frelick gave up too easy in stating the importance of this vision and didn’t align his vision with the hospital’s culture. Lessons Learned In developing and delivering a vision, a change leader must involve the organization’s staff in every facet. They should exercise persuasion to get buy-in for the vision by constantly communicating the vision and its plan over and over again. It is not enough to communicate and provide clarity for the change, but it must be aligned with the organization’s culture and provide a framework for the vision to receive feedback. ? References Leading Authorities, Inc. (2009). â€Å"Charlotte Beers: Legendary Advertising CEO and Former Under Secretary of State†. Video. Retrieved Feb. 14, 2009 from . Leban, Bill Stone, Romuald . (2008). Managing Organization Change (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. Pp. 44, 46 McConnell, Tocarra. (2007). â€Å"What is an Organization Vision?†. Published on Associated . Retreived Feb. 12 from ( Research Papers on Corporate VisionOpen Architechture a white paperThe Fifth HorsemanPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Project Managment Office SystemTwilight of the UAWMind TravelIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalPETSTEL analysis of IndiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice

Saturday, November 23, 2019

mass incac. 1 Essays - Crime, Penology, Free Essays, Term Papers

mass incac. 1 Essays - Crime, Penology, Free Essays, Term Papers The problem of mass incarceration in America is only gradually getting worse as time passes. "The United States now locks up a higher percentage of its population than any country in the world. The more than 2 million people who are incarcerated today make up roughly eight times the number in 1975. Moreover, those in prison are disproportionately African-American and Latino, and much of the increase in prison population over the last decade and a half has been driven by those sentenced for nonviolent drug or property crime". ( Jacobson 8). Michael Jacobson believes that he has found the solution to the this problem and he explain it in his book, "Downsizing Prisons : How to Reduce Crime and End Mass Incarceration". First Jacobson calls on decreasing the spending on incarceration. Less spending on incarceration and, as an alternative, more spending on economic or community development. " The argument is that spending now on prevention will result in greater social justice, reduced incarceration, and less spending on criminal justice and corrections down the road" ( Jacobson 10). 80 billion dollars a year are spent on corrections facilities alone while the Board of education has only a 68 billion dollar discretionary budget. I agree with Jacobson stance on this. It cost around 31,000 to be incarcerated for one inmate for a year. The tuition is around 10,000 in public state universities. There is no way that it should be more expensive to attend your local correctional facility than to obtain an education. While a emphasis is placed on murders and rape when it comes to the justice system, a large population of criminals in prisons are guilty of petty crimes such as theft. If resources were made available to place with poverty and low income families rather than funds being poured in the the local prison I believe that reform and change would be made. Second Jacobson calls on the the removal of mandatory sentences. Jacobson states that , "It is precisely in the area of sentencing and, in particular, mandatory sentencing that state legislatures have acted precipitously and with little regard for extant research. The harmful effects of prison to prisoners and their communities on the hugely disproportionate incarceration of minorities on misguided sentencing policies in the form of more mandatory sentences"( Jacobson 27). Jacobson considers mandatory sentencing unjust. "A judge does not have the authority to tailor the sentence to the specific facts. Therefore, someone who was an unimportant part of a drug conspiracy might be stuck with the same minimum sentence as someone who was the ringleader behind the crime. Mandatory sentencing laws also do not allow plea bargains, so even if the prosecutor wants to offer a reduced sentence for a plea, they cannot" ( Jacobson 28). I do not agree with Jacobson and his stance on this sub ject. Mandatory sentences make sure that wealth and position in society do not play a role in how much time you get. For example if someone who is rich commits aggravated sexual assault and someone who is poor commits the same crime, in theory they should both get either life in prison or execution. Mandatory sentencing is on the right side of justice in my eyes. When people who have committed the same crime are treated equally under the law. There are too many judges who are either not competent to do their jobs, or who inject their own personal opinions into their decisions. The result is a very flawed system that needs to be as black and white as possible. Lastly Jacobson calls for decrease of those incarcerated for drug offenses. First, "In 1986, the first Anti- Drug Abuse Act passed Congress and was signed into law by President Reagan. This law imposed 29 new mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses; the bill also created the five-year minimum sentence that equated the crimes of selling 500 grams of cocaine and 5 grams of crack.". This began a "war on drugs" that has carried unto how the justice system works today. Jacobson believes that we should decrease those incarcerated for drug offenses who are non violent because those who suffer from substance abuse need rehabilitation and while that was the

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analyze federalism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analyze federalism - Research Paper Example Federalism has the quality of holding local pride, ethnicities and supremacy, while letting the central government to manage common issues. In the United States, ‘federal government’ is generally assumed to bring up entirely the national government in Washington1. Federalism With Respect To Execution and Administration of Policy One of the most compound subdivisions of federalism analysis is that of political economic federalism. It includes federal bodies’ monetary situations and their political background. Incorporation with the global economy, impacts the cost-benefit analysis of federalism. The advantage of federalism is that it slices out variety within a nation, so that citizens can choose a place to move on which meets their requirements for policies such as taxation and consumer goods among others. Incorporation with global economy can raise expenses of regionalization if significant governments are permitted to use the status of the central government2. T he federalist system in the USA enjoys shared power between federal, state and local governments and involves a requirement for cooperation, harmonization, and interaction. In the American federalism system, the local governments possess most of the discretions and responsibilities for emergency and disaster management where federal organizations are envisioned to deliver monetary support and resources. State governments act as intercessor by enabling the operations of federal policies regarding emergency and disaster management at the local level3. Role Of Three Branches Of Federal Government The constitution comprises of a system which separates the authority where three branches of federal government can scrutinize and balance the role of each other. The three branches of federal government are ‘Executive branch’, ‘Legislative branch’ and ‘Judicial branch’4. Executive Branch: Executive branch comprises of the President, Vice President, and o ther Cabinet Officials such as State Secretary, Treasury Secretary, Defense Secretary and Labor Secretary among others. These officials are appointed by President and together they make up the executive branch. The role of executive branch is to implement the commandments4. Legislative Branch: The legislative branch comprises of the ‘Senate’ and ‘House of Representatives’. The most important role of legislative branch is to make the rules, regulations and laws. It is the duty of legislative branch to decide the policies and how the federal money can be used for the benefits of the country4. Judicial Branch: The judicial branch comprises of the Supreme Court as well as other courts. The judicial branch clarifies the implication of constitution and commandments that are issued by legislative branch. The role of judicial branch is to interpret the regulations and punish the criminals and the lawbreakers4. Interaction And Intersection Of Three Branches With Sta te Governments People interact regularly with the state governments. State governments comprise of police divisions, libraries, education and issuing licenses among others. Each state government has its own written structure and those are far more elegant compared to the federal equivalents. According to the 10th amendment of American constitution, each and every authority reserved for state government is not allowed to the federal government5. Executive Branch:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Global Business - Essay Example Therefore, an American multinational corporation (MNC) finds itself in a situation whereby its research teams have to translate their strategies to match the Chinese language and culture. The businesses venturing into China have to define strategies for overcoming the communication barrier. For example, MNCs find difficulties in establishing relations with the Chinese since it is a Western culture to shake hands and engage on persuasive and lengthy speeches whereas their Chinese counterparts rarely shake hands in greetings, and they approve business deals by observing the identified merits. Moreover, expanding into China requires a business to learn the value of relationships with stakeholders. In Chinese culture, businesses establish strong relationships with stakeholders, an aspect that receives minimal significance in the west. According to the Chinese society, stakeholders pursue belongingness, and would resent those organizations that fail to honor their presence and involvement. Business relationships in the Chinese context are deeper than the rapport established between businesses and clients in the western context. Therefore, this can pose a challenge for new businesses that seek to expand into this region because they have to earn the art of establishing business relationships that can measure up to the level expected in Asia (Wong, 2008). This means gaining a better understanding of business partners away from the formal settings in informal settings such as dinner parties. This translates to the fact that the sealing of business deals takes longer in china b ecause a business must invest more time in creating proper acquaintance with partners. Organizations should adapt to the change in favor of the Chinese market and this would contribute to profitable returns (Jiang &Stening, 2006). Asians also honor different occasions and may use different colors to represent them. For instance, the Chinese use the red color to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Miller introduce them into the book Essay Example for Free

Miller introduce them into the book Essay This shows that the girls want some recognition and gain authority by accusing innocent people of witchcraft. The people of Salems biggest fear was the defiance of God and so when Abigail and her assemblage spoke out against witchcraft everybody heeded their words and gave them the attention that they wanted. By pretending to be doing Gods work the girls become more important than before and use their power to make people believe what they want. This is why they are believed and never themselves impugned. One of the most noticeable themes of the book is heroism. Throughout the book there are many examples of this theme. The two most obvious events in the book which display heroism, if not somewhat controversially, are the deaths of Giles Cory and John Proctor. Corys death was heroic but it is possible to see the hanging of Proctor from a different perspective. It could be said that it was not a heros action to die but that of a guilty and cowardly man. In the book Miller, as well as Proctor, openly tells us of the characters mistakes. The reason Proctor chooses to be hung is because he could not bear to have his reputation tarnished. It could also be said though that he just could not bear the embarrassment of pleading innocence in order to save his life. John Proctor can be perceived as either a hero or a coward. I think that Proctor was a hero in this book. The way the book talks of him leads me to think of him as a well respected and highly thought of individual. I think that his actions were extremely brave and heroic. It must take a huge amount of bravery to go to your death even though you can get out of it. Despite there being little symbolism in the play it is a definite symbolic representation of the McCarthy anti-communist trials of the 1950s. I have explained previously about these trials and how they led Arthur Miller writing the book so from this is it obvious that Miller had these trials in mind whilst writing The Crucible. Many people have said though that these two events are completely different in that there were (as far as we know) no actual witches in Salem yet there were definitely communists in 1950 America. In the book I noticed that Miller seemed to focus more on the unwillingness of the judges to believe that the accused townspeople were innocent and preferred to hang as many people as possible in order to improve their status and rank within the court. I think this because when Danforths judgement is questioned he informs the court of how many death warrants he has signed, this to me shows that Danforth thinks that the more people you have hung the more respected you become. It is made obvious to us that Danforth is an important character because when he enters everyone in the room goes silent. This could suggest that you are more important if you have signed a lot of death warrants. This use of silence is another dramatic device used by Miller to emphasise an entrance and to make the audience focus on the entering character. I personally dont know how the judges didnt see through the girls because when I watched the video I noticed a lot of things which prove the girls are lying. For example, in Act 3, Abigail claims that a cold wind blows and blames Mary Warren for sending out her spirit. During this performance, John Proctor claims that Abigail is a whore and that he has committed adultery with her. Abigail immediately stops acting and desperately informs Danforth that she is not a whore or a lecher. This could have been a major downfall for Abigail if someone had noticed this. I am particularly surprised that Proctor did not. If he had the trials could have ended there and then and would have prevented the deaths of many innocent people. In addition to themes Miller also introduces motifs. A motif is a recurring design, feature or melody. Accusation, Legal Proceedings and Confessions are major motifs of The Crucible. These appear regularly throughout the book and are the centre of action in the play. This created a series of indictments even before Hale arrived (Sparknotes. com) and a reason for these people to turn on one another (revenge). The only way that the witches could be found was through the accusations and confessions. The trials only continue as a result of accusations. John Proctor attempts to discontinue the courts proceedings by confessing to adultery in a desperate bid to expose Abigail yet it all goes horribly wrong and Proctor himself is accused of witchcraft! Proctors final courageous decision to die rather than confess to a crime he did not commit makes the judges rethink the whole case and decide to stop the trials before any one else died. Michael Day 10GO Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Free College Essays - Characters of The Parable :: Parable Essays

Characters of The Parable In The Parable several characters are presented to the reader.   Each one has their own   behavioral characteristics which one may or my not approve of.   The two characters whose behaviors I most approve of are Lee Pai and Hernando.   The characters whose behaviors I do not approve of are Sven and John.   There are several reasons why I approve of the behaviors of Lee Pai and Hernando and do not approve of   the behaviors of Sven and John.   All of   these reasons I have based on my interpretation of the story, The Parable.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Parable is a story about Rosemary, a young woman   who is betrothed to a man named Hernando.   Rosemary is supposed to meet Hernando for there up coming wedding but she is faced with a dilemma.   In order for her to get to her wedding she has to cross a very deep and wide river that is full of crocodiles.   Rosemary is clueless on how she is to get across   this river, so she decides to turn to people, she knows, for help.   The first person she turns to is Sven for he owns a boat.   Sven listens to Rosemary's   problem and tells her he will take her across the river if   she spends the night with him.   Rosemary, surprised and shocked at hearing such an offer, declines and turns to another acquaintance, Lee Pai, for help.   Lee Pai tells Rosemary he is sorry but he can't help her.   Not knowing what else she can do, Rosemary goes back to Sven for help.   She spends the night with him and the next day he takes her across the river.   Rosemary and Hernando are then together at last.   The evening before their wedding, Rosemary feels the need to tell   Hernando what she had to do to get across the river.   When she tells Hernando, he is very hurt and upset.   He calls the wedding off and "banishes Rosemary as a soiled woman" (The Parable).   Rosemary is very distraught over this and turns to John (an acquaintance) for a little comfort.   After hearing her story John says to Rosemary that even though he does not love her, he will marry her.   With this, the story comes to an end.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are   two characters in the story, The Parable, that   I approve of .   These two characters are Lee Pai and Hernando.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Importance of Accountability and Responsibility

What is the importance of accountability and responsibility? Accountability and responsibility are two important values individuals can exercise in their daily lives, and workplace. They really go hand in hand with each other. By acting responsibly people will learn to trust that you will do what you say you agree to. It then in turn lets people feel like you can be counted on. When people are accountable to each other a bond of trust is built allowing for honest opinions and ideas. The sense of one being responsible puts trust in a relationship.Accountability and responsibility allows people to exercise autonomy with the expectation that they will feel more invested in and, therefore, will perform better, more efficiently and more creatively. If you actively practice accountability and responsibility in such places like the workplace, or with friends you tend to feel more prideful and have ownership. This also builds trust and secures a bond. With my work experience in the military responsibility and accountability is greatly increased when you have a set order of rules to follow and abide by.Being responsible in the US Army has got to be one of the utmost important in my opinion. The obligation for the proper, custody, care, and safekeeping of property or funds entrusted to the possession or supervision of an individual needs one to be held accountable. Accountability is being responsible or answerable for an action. By taking ownership of your actions and not make excuses makes you also more reliable. People have a hard time believing in you once they feel they have been lied to or cheated.Gaining credit or accountability takes time and is hard work if the trust is broken. It is better to be honest and say what you mean. By giving your word make sure to follow through. This shows ownership. It also makes people show you being accountable to your word. The obligation you show to yourself or another is important in showing you are responsible and can handle si tuations. The importance of it is huge; it shows a high character trait and unselfishness by not just looking out for your own interest.A solider must behave and be responsible in all scenarios they are in. even if it’s in uniform or without. It increases when soldiers believe that they have personal control over their mission performance, performing out of desire to do well instead of just following orders. A lot of studies show that when a person shows desire to have control over a job they try perform at a higher level. They even solve problems better. Accountability and responsibility play major roles in a person’s character and how they view to complete the mission.They have a positive psychological disposition and feel confident physically. These two words Responsibility and accountability are two of the main factors in being a successful Soldier in today’s U. S. Army. You must be a responsible soldier if you want to make it through deployment alive. There are so many situations that can be handled incorrectly if you slack off and not care if the proper attention is given. A worse situation would be affecting the lives of other soldiers and putting them in harm’s way.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Evil Doers or Evil Genes

Antisocial personality disorder s a mental health condition In which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others. This behavior Is often criminal. Like all personality disorders, antisocial personality disorder Is a deeply Ingrained and enduring behavior pattern, manifesting as an Inflexible response to a broad range of personal and social situations This behavior represents an extreme or significant deviation from the way In which the average Individual In a given culture relates to others.This behavior pattern tends to be stable. It may not cause sub]ectlve distress, but does cause problems In social performance. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder often are divorced, have alcohol/drug abuse, anxiety, depression, unemployment, homelessness, and criminal behavior. However, some Individuals with this disorder rise to high posltlons of power In society by becoming masters ot manipulation and deceit. In childhood, these i ndividuals usually have oppositional defiant disorder, towards parents and eachers which develops into conduct delinquency in adolescence.This delinquency takes the torm ot reckless thrill-seeking, physical violence towards people or animals, and law-breaking. Most adolescent delinquents grow out ot this behavior as they enter adulthood. However, those that increase their delinquent behavior as they enter adulthood have their diagnosis changed from conduct disorder to antisocial personality disorder. In adulthood, these individuals become more antagonistic. They show an exaggerated sense of self-importance, insensitivity towards the feelings and eeds of others, and callous exploitation of others.Their increased manipulativeness, callousness, deceitfulness, and hostility repeatedly puts them at odds with other people An individual diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder needs to meet the following criteria, Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.Reckless disregard for safety of self or others. Consistent Irresponsibility, as Indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations Lack of remorse, as Indicated by being Indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. Three percent of the population, or about 8,100,000 individuals In the united states have antisocial personality disorder. The National comorbldlty survey, which used DSM-III-R criteria, found that 5. 8% of males and 1 . 29t of females showed evidence of a Ilfetlme risk for the disorder.Prevalence estimates wlthln cllnlcal settings have varied from 39t to 30%, depending on the predominant characteristics of the populations being sampled. About ot men and ot women in the population have this disorder. Although in later adulthood, the more outward and aggressive symptoms ot ASPD may diminish and the person remain, thereby affecting the individual's role in society as well as all those who come n contact with him/her. The disorder tends to occur more often in men than in women, and in people whose predominant role model had antisocial features.The incidence of antisocial personality is higher in people who have an antisocial biological parent, parents with histories of drug and/or alcohol abuse and who physically and/or emotionally abused the individual during childhood. Abandonment may have been an issue for the person with ASPD Antisocial personality disorder is probably caused by a combination of factors. Having any of these characteristics oes not necessarily mean that a person has antisocial personality disorder. Influences from the environment can impact the onse t of this disorder.A chaotic family life contributes to the development of this personality disorder, especially where there has been little supervision from parents or other adult role models. The disorder also may be more common where the community is not supportive or provides little reward for positive behavior. Genetic or biological factors. Researchers have found certain physiological responses that may occur more frequently in people ith antisocial personality disorder. For example, they have a comparatively flat response to stress. They seem to get less anxious than the average person.Some researchers have found changes in the volume of brain structures that mediate violent behavior. People with this kind of brain function may thus have more difficulty restraining their impulses, which may account for the tendency toward more aggressive behavior. Neurobiologists cannot say with certainty that these variations in brain structure are a cause of antisocial personality. The vari ations could easily be he result of life experiences that are more common in people with this personality disorder rather than a cause.The cause of this disorder is unknown however, genetics and environmental factors influence its development. I believe that personality makes each individual special and consists of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Personality is forged during childhood via the interplay of genetics and environmental factors. Problems with inherited genetics or the early environment, such as significant exposure to abuse and/or violence, make it more likely that a ersonality disorder such as ASPD will develop. Therefore, I believe in order to understand the cause of ASPD, both genetics and the environment need to be explored.Dr. Martha Stout, in her book, â€Å"The Sociopath Next Door,† explains that a genetic predisposition for sociopath may already present at birth for some people. Determinations regarding how this increased risk for ASPD become expressed c ome from an individual's life experiences. We are accustomed to think of sociopaths as violent criminals, but in The Sociopath Next Door, Harvard psychologist Martha Stout eveals that a shocking 4 percent of ordinary people†one in twenty-five†has an often undetected mental disorder, the chief symptom of which is that that person possesses no conscience.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Martial Tells the Story of Gladiators Priscus and Verus

Martial Tells the Story of Gladiators Priscus and Verus In 2003, BBC produced a television docudrama (Colosseum: Romes Arena of Death aka Colosseum: A Gladiators Story) about Roman gladiators that The Naked Olympics writer Tony Perrottet reviewed, in Television/DVD: Everyone Loves a Bloodbath. The review seems fair. Here is an excerpt: The early phases of the show are squarely embedded in the time-honored tradition of gladiator movies, so much so that there is an inevitable sense of dà ©j vu. (Is that Kirk Douglas slaving away in the quarries? Doesnt that gladiator look a bit like Russell Crowe?) The rustic prisoners first glimpses of imperial Rome, the initial matches in the gladiatorial schoolall are part of the tried-and-true formula. Even the music seems familiar.Still, this new foray into the genre quickly distinguishes itself from its forebears. That final sentence bears repeating. I would recommend watching this hour-long show if it ever comes back to television. The climax of the show is a dramatization of a known Roman fight between gladiators Priscus and Verus. When they fought each other it was the highlight of the games for the opening ceremonies of the Flavian Amphitheater, the sporting arena we usually refer to as the Roman Colosseum. The Gladiator Poem of Marcus Valerius  Martialis   We know of these capable gladiators from a poem by the witty Latin epigrammatist Marcus Valerius Martialis aka Martial, who is usually referred to as coming from Spain. It is the only detailed such as it is description of such a fight that has survived. Youll find the poem and an English translation below, but first, there are some terms to know. ColosseumThe first term is the Flavian amphitheater or Colosseum which was opened in 80, a year after the first of the Flavian emperors, Vespasian, the one who had built most of it, had died. It does not appear in the poem but was the events venue.RudisThe second term is rudis, which was a wooden sword given to a gladiator to show that he was freed and released from service. He might then start his own gladiatorial training school.The FingerThe finger refers to a type of end to the game. A fight could be to the death, but it could also be until one of the combatants asked for mercy, by raising a finger. In this famous fight, the gladiators raised their fingers together.ParmaThe Latin refers to a parma which was a round shield. While it was used by Roman soldiers, it was also used by the Thraex or Thracian style gladiators.CaesarCaesar refers to the second Flavian emperor, Titus. Martial XXIX English Latin While Priscus drew out, and Verus drew out thecontest, and the prowess of both stood long inbalance, oft was discharge for the men claimed withmighty shouts; but Caesar himself obeyed his ownlaw: that law was, when the prize was set up, tofight until the finger was raised; what was lawful hedid, oft giving dishes and gifts therein. Yet was anend found of that balanced strife: they fought wellmatched, matched well they together yielded. Toeach Caesar sent the wooden sword, and rewards toeach: this prize dexterous valour won. Under noprince but thee, Caesar, has this chanced: whiletwo fought, each was victor. Cum traheret Priscus, traheret certamina Verus, esset et aequalis Mars utriusque diu,missio saepe uiris magno clamore petita est; sed Caesar legi paruit ipse suae; -lex erat, ad digitum posita concurrere parma: - 5 quod licuit, lances donaque saepe dedit.Inuentus tamen est finis discriminis aequi: pugnauere pares, subcubuere pares.Misit utrique rudes et palmas Caesar utrique: hoc pretium uirtus ingeniosa tulit. 10Contigit hoc nullo nisi te sub principe, Caesar: cum duo pugnarent, uictor uterque fuit. Martial; Ker, Walter C. A London : Heinemann; New York: Putnam

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

University Research Proposal

University Research Proposal University Research Proposal University Research Proposal: Make the Life Easier! The process of writing the research is quite difficult and time consuming, the person should be quite acknowledged with the topic chosen for this or that writing and understand it in a proper way. What is also quite important here is of course the level of professional support given to the student on the part of the tutors, professional writers or some other support. What you are to do first of all is the understanding of the requirements needed for the proper implementation of the written task. University Research Proposal: Order Online! If the person can not simply implement the task himself it is advisable to order it in the Internet and be quite confident with what has been done. Some people think that the procedure of ordering is quite difficult and that it is impossible to get it at the end and that there are different frauds and so on, but it is not so in fact.find the qualified site with professional writers there, to be sure that it is in fact so you are to search the internet, ask the people in this sphere and feel free to choose the one for you, what is advisable here is of course the professional support on the part of the writer, as with these sites you can be sure that the level of your site will be quite high, if you need some special requirements and issues for this process, you better tell the person about it, and also if you need to get answers to some questions you can freely ask the person working on your site and feel quite confident with what you are doing, as for the plan or literature review, this will be included in your university research proposal if you need it but in other case you are free not only to edit it but also to correct all the necessary point and the writer will correct it. University Research Proposal: Get Better Support and Help! While writing the university research proposal, there can be sometimes some problems and questions, especially if the per son writes the task for the first time, so the student want to get the support on the part of the reader and then continue to work on the process. But it is preferable to get the better support and help while ordering the written task online. The university research proposal can be quite an important point in the process of writing the research paper, as this is the previous part of it. The process of ordering such written task online can facilitate this process and raise the level of the written task.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Architecture corresponding with the time period Research Paper

Architecture corresponding with the time period - Research Paper Example Good examples of Romanesque as well as Gothic architectural styles can be found in many nations of the West, thus for Romanesque it is referred to as the first pan-European style of design since the then much adored Imperial Roman Architecture. Trinity Episcopal Church Trinity Episcopal Church which is currently referred to as Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, is the very first Episcopal and one of the treasured sanctuaries in Columbia, South Carolina. Trinity Episcopal Church, a Gothic Revival church which was modeled in regard to York Minster located in York, England. The church was consecrated on February 14, 1857 by Bishop Gadsden. The architecture of the church According to Maxey (67-71), the church was essentially designed to bear resemblance to medieval York Minster by Edward Brickell White. The foundation block was laid by Peter Shand, the rector on November 26, 1845. Despite the church having a cruciform design, the construction was only effected as shown by the construction of t win towers and the nave. Each of the towers was constructed with eight pinnacles and at the top placed a fleur de lis. The nave has a clerestory, thus making it the only church in Columbia with it. The roof structure of the Gothic Revival church is supported by exposed wooden beams. ... During the early years of Confederacy, that is 1861 and 1862, an apsidal chancel and the transepts were built under the supervision of Edward Brickell White. As an honor to Dr. Peter Shand, a stained-glass window was in chancel in 1890. Additions to the building that came in the later years encompassed choir stalls, Jardine chancel organ, the eagle lectern, choir stalls, a choir room as well as the pulpit. First Presbyterian Church The first religious meetings of the Presbyterian Church that were held in 1795 took place with no church building in place as the congregation did not have a church building of their own. They used to meet on the campus of South Carolina College and South Carolina State House until 1813 when the legislature of the South Carolina incorporated the church as the First Presbyterian Church in the city of Columbia. Although the church building constructed in 1813 is still in use, it is now solely used as a church hall and is known as Jackson Hall. A modern and l arger structure of English Gothic was built in 1854. The original building of 180-foot was destroyed in a hurricane even though it survived burning during the matching of Sherman to the sea. It was rebuilt latter in 1888. The damage inflicted to the spire by fire prompted its rebuilding in 1910 to stand at eight feet tall. In 1925, the building was again remodeled in order to increase its capacity to 1,250 from 800 feet thus beneficially increasing the building’s length by 40 feet. The current locality where the church stands was a shared cemetery between 1794 and 1813 with the local congregation of the Episcopal Church. The land as well as the cemetery was given out to be shared between the Presbyterians and

Friday, November 1, 2019

MANAGING HUMAN CAPITAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

MANAGING HUMAN CAPITAL - Essay Example This has been in terms of falling revenues and loss of crucial talent and problems in talent retention. The critical literature puts forth a direct relationship between the HR polices and organizational productivity. This is followed by the primary research which supplements the critical literature through primary findings. The findings reveal that Emirates HR policies and practices in the HR departments must be redesigned to cater to the immediate business needs of the organization. The redesigning must come in the form of changes in recruitment activities, change in compensation packages and aligning training modules with the aim of serving the business needs of Emirates. Introduction The project seeks to put forth the present human resource conditions in Emirates Airlines which is the largest airline operating in the Middle East flying over 2400 passengers in a week. The company’s are located around 111 numbers of cities across 62 nations in the world. It also operates thre e of the nonstop commercial flights from Dubai. This company has been chosen for the study as it is the fastest growing global airlines in the world and is known for the high quality of services that it provides to its customers (Emirates, 2011). Known for its advanced and improved human resource management practices the company has evolved as the being one of the most employee friendly organizations to work with. Not only does its HR practices aim to reduce costs and enable the development of learning and development, it also tries to facilitate employees’ growth and prospective in the organization. The most remarkable part of its human resource management practices is the way they are directed towards the attainment of the company’s goals and objectives (Emirates-a, 2011). The project tries to analyses the present human resource issues and challenges confronting the company. Based on the analysis it provides an action plan for the same. This is done by the developmen t of an outline plan for the company which would contribute to its growth in business as well. The literature review presents critical analysis of how HRM practices can affect and regulate the business development of organizations and add to its goodwill. It would be presented with reference to the examples of major organizations in the world. In this context special emphasis would be provided to the Michigan model and the Harvard’s model. To supplement the above critical analysis primary research would be conducted to bring about a relationship between the HR practices in organizations and the development of its businesses. Analysis of Company background and current challenges/issues they are facing With the growing number of international airlines across the world, the organization has been confronting with a problem of employee crunch and employee retention. It is felt that the company redesigns its recruitment strategies in order to attain a competitive position in terms of attracting and retaining talents. The study suggests that Emirates Airlines must seek to develop a dedicated recruitment services team within the various departments which would ensure the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe - Essay Example Two major events precipitated inflation in Zimbabwe and that is, involvement in Congo civil war in 1998 and the land expropriation of 2000. The Zimbabwe government entered into war on the side of Zaire’s dictator Laurent Kabila without having budgeted for the war, without any reserves for the war or any arrangements to raise the funds. The land expropriation program of 2000 saw the government forceful take 4,500 farms from white settlers and give it to war veterans and politicians (Coomer and Gstraunthaler 312). This led to reduction in foreign investment from 400 million US dollars in 1998 to a mere 30 million in 2007. The productivity of the land was also reduced by half between 2000 and 2007. This government policies also led to imposition of sanctions by the IMF, US, UK and EU. The government in order to win public confidence provided initiatives such as purchase of farm inputs for the farmers who had been given land. The farmers also used the land as securities for securing loans. This unforeseen expenditure compounded with the four year expenditure in Congo war led the Reserve bank of Zimbabwe to adopt inflationary policies such as printing more money and employing more staff. This led to devaluation of the Zimbabwean dollar and the central bank responded by printing more money and even increasing the face value. This is the origin of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe. By March 2007 the inflation rate in Zimbabwe was 2,200% while by October 2008 it rose to 3,840,000,000,000,000,000%! (Noko 347). Hyperinflation led to lose of value of the Zimbabwe dollar. Wealth was lost within months as millionaires were no longer wealthy. The prices of commodities went up leading the government to regulate the same. (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 11). This led producers to opt for other markets which led to an acute shortage of various products. The industries were dissolved, unemployment was at the highest level, poverty escalated and some citizens fled to other countries. The next section gives methods through which this hyperinflation could be solved. Solutions to Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation Hyperinflation was brought about by the practices of Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. Replacing the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is a sure way of ending hyperinflation (Hanke1 23). Some countries such as Angola have contained their high inflation rates without replacing their central bank through change of policy. The question is why could this be implemented in Zimbabwe? This could not be adopted in Zimbabwe because from historical perspective policy change has never checked inflation in Zimbabwe. Moreover, all over the world hyperinflation has been linked to the issue of currency by the central bank or the concerned country’s treasury. Central banks can easily end inflation as they fuel them. One of the sure ways is to stop the printing of currency. This solution reduces money in circulation and contains hyperinflation, but it is a long process because it takes time for the central bank to regain its lost credibility. During this time interest rates on loans normally escalate and it is very difficult to get a long term loan because there is less money in circula

Monday, October 28, 2019

Piece on The lake Essay Example for Free

Piece on The lake Essay My head rested peacefully against the bark of the willow tree, my back floated on a bed of grass and my feet were gliding in the calm water of the lake, occasionally being nibbled by various fish. It was the perfect atmosphere to have a little nap; however I knew that if I fell asleep I would regret getting to admire the lakes precious beauty on this spectacular day. The sky was as clear as sapphire, the sun was a rosy apricot colour and was surrounded by pillows of clouds and somehow my imagination managed to convince me that there were little angels dancing and prancing above them. The sky looked even more radiant in the lakes refection; it added a glittery appeal to it, magical. I gazed wondrously towards the other side of the lake where the troop of trees stood, practically hugging each other. I enjoyed watching the giant trees sway with each other as if they were moving towards natures music. On my side of the lake, there was a choir of frogs chattering and birds chirping. I sang a little melody too, but the frogs and birds suddenly stopped, they must have disliked my tune. As I was about to rest my eyes a little, nature woke me up. The calming breeze tickled my ear lobes and I could faintly hear it whispering secrets to me. Every time the wind passed by, it left behind a scent of maple and berries so strong that it made my nose twitch. It smelt heavenly organic yet delightfully tasty. When I took a careful look at the lake, it looked similar to a heart shape; just one side was slightly bigger. The colour of the water was like an innocent girls eyes, so pure. It was a dark turquoise and if you looked  carefully you could see the luminous scales of various fish. Every now and then a heard of teeny tiny jump fish would be racing across the glowing surface of the lake as if they were being chased by the police. The lake was indescribably beautiful as it was but looking at what was on land around it was just the icing on top of the cake. Flowers bloomed as if they were living the last day of their life; bees flew as if there was no hurry; dears drank water as if there were no predators and birds sang as if they were in a symphony. The wind softly whispers through the trees as I rest on the soft green bed beneath me, peaceful feelings overtake me and my spirits seem to soar from within just like the birds circling above me.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Technological Advancements :: essays papers

Technological Advancements On November 7, 1940 the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was hit by winds of up to 40mph. The bridge began to twist and flutter. Some cables snapped and a six-hundred foot section of the bridge fell into Puget Sound. ^Wind is but one disaster, earthquakes are another^ (Jay Stuller 36). Disasters like this one and others could have been avoided if the proper precautions had been taken. Due to the disasters in the world the structures of today and tomorrow are much safer. Today most of these catastrophes are avoided because of the up to date technology, like architecture, predicting the disasters before hand and new techniques used by emergency rescue teams. Some major advances in today^s buildings include such things like the material used. For instance products like steel-reinforced concrete (refer to diagram 3-1), steel framing, and properly braced wood frames for houses are a few examples of how buildings are being retrofitted and new buildings are being built towards protection from disasters. As well, the foundations of the buildings can be built on shock absorbing ^base isolators^ containing springs or alternating layers of steel plates and rubber, to counteract the effects of earthquakes. In Japan architectures have been keeping mind earthquakes while designing and building structures. Unfortunately the buildings were mainly designed to withstand a vertical force. The Japanese buildings were designed to withstand a certain acceleration force, but in January 1995, an earthquake hit the city Kobe devastating the buildings, which were thought to be safe. It just shows, ^that building design criteria are crucial to withstanding effects of earthquakes^ (Gerad Baker 12). The normal Japanese wooden houses that had heavy roofs collapsed, and also newer homes were demolished, as seen on diagram 3-2. This could have been avoided by building the houses with lighter plywood frames with crossbars that distribute force evenly rather than houses with heavy timber walls that collapse under force. As well the materials used to build the structures has a great deal to do with the survival rate of buildings. The use of reinforced concrete is thought to be a major reason why buildings stay intact. It is possible to reinforce older buildings with extra concrete simply and effectively, which has been done in California since 1989. Bridges, a totally different aspect of building, but a very similar method for creating sound structures. During the Kobe earthquake the Hanshin expressway collapsed on its side for a stretch of 600m (pictures seen on page 5). This type of roadway is built upon reinforced concrete pillars. There is steel inside the pillars to increase its ability to bend and flex with the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Solid Waste Management For Hotels In Mauritius Environmental Sciences Essay

The chief aims of this mini undertaking were: to supply a reappraisal of cardinal constructs and issues relevant to solid waste direction for Small, Medium, and Large Hotel in Mauritius ; to analyze and measure the hotel solid waste direction ( HSWM ) plan in Mauritius and to propose recommendations and countries for farther research. The undermentioned informations aggregation methods were used in this survey: deep reappraisal of paperss and literature, interviews and a propose methodological analysis to transport out the survey. Tourism can convey both positive and negative impacts. One facet of touristry that can hold an impact on local communities is solid waste direction ( SWM ) . Improper SWM can take to pollution and impairment of the aesthetic entreaty of tourer finishs. However, may air hose bureau are assessed the hotels for safety and ecology before puting the tourer in the hotels. A proposed study questionnaire has been designed and could be administered at a ulterior phase for future rating of solid waste in little, medium, and big hotel.The questionnaire has been designed in such a manner to be able to analyze all solid waste within a hotel, illustration, waste from kitchen, shop, office, Front Office, Laundry, Housekeeping and so on Waste minimisation is indispensable in the hotel industry with respects to blow decrease, reuse, recovery and disposal. This is besides referred to as the Hierarchy of Waste Management.From the literature reappraisal obtained from different beginnings, little, medium and big hotel can follow the hierarchy of waste Minimization, Reduction, Reuse and Recovery.However it is besides noticed that there is advantages and disadvantages utilizing Waste Minimization Approach. Now, there is a batch of recycling companies in Mauritius which collect or hotel go to disposed all the stuffs to be recycled such as spectacless to Glass Gallery, Metals to Steel Scrap Ltd, Plastic Bottle to Polypet Recyclers Ltd, Paper to Agripac or Dakhri Paper. If Solid Waste is non decently managed by the hotel, there can be a environmental debasement and pollution, resource depletion and harm to marine ecosystem. The EPA 2002 is enforced by the Ministry of Local Government.According to the EIA, no hotel building till the blessing of the EIA Report Many hotels generate above 20 % of nutrient waste, Green Waste and can be composting.According to the Ministry of Local Government, really few hotels carry out the composting and many of the hotels whether little, medium or big do non hold expertness on composting. It is besides apparent that little and average hotels pay less attending for the execution of waste minimisation than larger hotels, because the costs outweigh the benefits. The little and average hotels have limited infinite for them to use the minimisation wholly.But to some extent little and average hotels can use the hierrerchy.Concepts such as appropriate engineering, cleaner production, life rhythm appraisal and environmental direction systems can be utile for bettering how solid waste direction is approached. Decisions and lessons learned from the literature are presented and links between constructs in the literature and.recommendations made on how to direction waste in these hotels Recognitions First and first, I would wish to show my gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs Geeta Devi Unmar for her valuable meetings usher, support for my mini undertaking on Solid Waste Management for Hotel ( Small, Medium and Large ) . I am besides thankful Mr Prakash Kowlessur, Director Solid Waste Unit, and Mr Micheal Marie, Principal Enforcement Officer, Ministry of Local Government, for his helpful coordination with his staffs to roll up the measure of waste per hebdomad. Particular thank to Mr. Shardoo, Environment Officer at Ministry of Environment and NDU for his utile information on EIA usher line for coastal hotel.Finally particular a thank to Mr. Lan Pin Wing Michel, Statistic Section, Ministry of TourismABBREVATIONSTable of Contentss1.0 Introduction1.1 An Overview of Solid Waste In Mauritius The rapid industrialization and urbanisation during the past decennary have led to altering production and ingestion forms that continue to show new demands for natural resources and make new waste watercourses. It is estimated that solid waste produced in Mauritius is about 380,000 metric tons a twelvemonth ( or 1,200 metric tons per twenty-four hours ) and is expected to make 418,000 metric tons in 2014.Each Mauritanian generates around 0.7 kilogram of solid waste daily and this is expected to lift to 0.9 kilograms by 2010. The development of an integrated solid waste direction scheme is among the precedences identified in the National Environmental Schemes to cut down future costs from environment debasement The addition in the economic development has changed the life manner and the ingestion form of the population. Consequently, this has led to an addition of the sum of solid waste generated.1.2 Composition of MSMIt is found that most of the waste is organic in nature and can be compost easy( Fact Sheet- Ministry of Environment ).1.3 Waste Composition from HotelThere are three chief beginnings of waste from hotels ( office/guest suites, gardens, and kitchen/restaurant ) , and each beginning contains different types of waste. For illustration, there are a batch of compostable, which can be biologically decomposed, present in kitchen-waste while more recyclables are present in waste from office/guest suites ( Chopra, 2004 ) Harmonizing to Reseearch, Dr Wan Li Liao,2008 A typical hotel ‘s waste watercourse in Belize consists of the undermentioned constituent per centums: paper/cardboard 27 % , nutrient waste 45 % , yard waste 8 % , fictile 5 % , metal 5 % , glass 5 % , destruction and building waste 3 % , other 2 % . 1.4 Disposal Of Solid Waste In Mauritius Once solid wastes were disposed of in unfastened dumping evidences, but due to public ailments of the nuisance caused by the disgusting smell emitted by the putrefying waste, all the unfastened mopess have now been closed. The Ministry of Local Government and the Local Authorities are responsible for aggregation and transit of family and commercial wastes. Today, solid wastes are collected and disposed of at the Mare Chicose landfill through transportation Stationss. There are soon 5 transportation Stationss in Mauritius viz. : – Poudre d'Or – Roche Bois – Lanthanum Brasserie – St Martin – Lanthanum Laura Wastes are compacted at the transportation station to cut down their volume before they are transported in larger vehicles to the exclusive landfill of the state which is at Mare Chicose. In hotel really the waste is collected in different bins, that is, segregation at beginning.Waste bearer come to roll up the waste and so reassign to set down make full.For Most of the hotel the transportation is subcontracted to cleaning service such as Securiclean, Maxiclean ltd or even to private lorry.Sometime due to hapless direction of solid waste, hapless storage, and abnormality of waste bearer to roll up waste, make rise to bad odor, gnawers and sometimes it is non esthetics. Now the touristry industry is one of the three pillars of the Mauritanian Economy. Mauritius is become one of the most of import international tourer finishs in the Indian Ocean. The tourer reachings for the twelvemonth 2009 rose up to 413,504, with a prognosis of 1.0 million tourer reachings for the terminal of twelvemonth 2010. Due to the enlargement of touristry industry, there were entire of 97 registered hotels in operation by the terminal of June 2009 ( C.S.O. , 2009 ) . Hotel activities produce immense sum of wastes, which tend to increase as the figure of hotels additions. The job of waste coevals associated to environmental pollution is a challenge to hotels with respects to blow aggregation and disposal. Our infinite land fill become limited Much accent is placed on ecotourism. Ecotourism in fact consists of three elements: natural-based, educational and sustainable direction ( ecoT mgt and buttocks ) Mauritius itself is described as an ecotourism finish in the Indian Ocean and Africa part. ( encyclo of ecoT ) . One illustration of an â€Å" ecogreen † hotel in Mauritius is Le Coco Beach Hotel, whereby ecotourism patterns are applied ( ecot themes.. ) â€Å" Ecogreen † hotels can assist to protect the environment, do hotel operations sustainable, cut down cost and liabilities, and better wellness and safety. Since hotel operations such as housework, saloon and eating house, kitchen, greenscaping, administrative office and staff quarters, bring forth big measures of solid waste, a good solid waste direction system is indispensable. Precedence must be given to the development and execution of a sustainable and incorporate solid waste direction system, promoting current patterns such as reuse, recycling, composting, waste decrease and bar, installations for waste disposal and engineerings to change over waste into energy.1.5 Research GoalsThe betterment of solid waste direction is one of the challenges faced by tourer finishs in Mauritius. This mini undertaking provides full literature reappraisal of the HSWM plan in Mauritius to circulate information about an advanced solid waste direction plan in a tourer finish. This survey will research the subjects Decisions, recommendations and future research waies will be presented at the terminal of the survey. The research objectives for the survey were: To supply a reappraisal of cardinal constructs and issues related to solid waste direction in Mauritius . To analyze and measure the hotel solid waste direction ( HSWM ) plan in Mauritius refering to Small, Medium and Large Hotel To supply infinite to the landfill . To propose recommendations and countries for farther research.1.6 BeneficiariesFrom the result of this mini undertaking I have try to place the HSWM within the Small, Medium and Large Hotel and how the system is working within the hotel, that the hotel staff is confronting and this can function a starting point in the Hotel for bettering its conditions, substructure, work environment and attitudes towards the waste direction, and eco environment.It will be a great benefit for the Small and Medium Hotel2.0 Literature reappraisal2.1.1 What is wasteWastes are those stuffs no longer required by an person, establishment or industry. Wastes are therefore regarded as byproducts or terminal merchandises of the production and ingestion procedure severally. ( Beginning: A. Vesilind, 1995 ) 2.1.2 Solid waste is that stuff which arises from assorted human activities and which is usually discarded as useless or unwanted. Examples of solid wastes: waste tyres bit metal furniture and plaything domestic garbage ( refuse ) discarded contraptions and vehicles empty tins, pigment tins and compressed gas cylinders, plastics and bottle building and destruction dust, 2.1.3 SOURCES AND TYPES OF WASTES Wastes are produced by human activities and include: 1. Municipal wastes 2. Industrial wastes 3. Agricultural wastes 5. Energy coevals wastes.2.1.3 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTEMunicipal solid waste ( MSW ) is a waste type that includes preponderantly family waste ( domestic waste ) with sometimes the add-on of commercial wastes collected by a municipality within a given country. There are five wide classs of MSW: Biodegradable waste: nutrient & A ; kitchen waste, green waste, paper ( can besides be recycled ) . Reclaimable stuff: paper, glass, bottles, tins, metals, certain plastics, etc. Inert waste: building and destruction waste, soil, stones, dust. Composite wastes: Waste vesture, Tetra Paks, Waste plastics such as playthings. Domestic risky waste & A ; toxic waste: medicine, pigments, chemicals, visible radiation bulbs, fluorescent tubings, spray tins, fertiliser and pesticide containers, batteries, shoeWASTE DISPOSAL2.4 Waste Generation And CollectionIn Mauritius waste aggregation is undertaken by the local governments which consist of 5 municipalities for urban countries and 4 territory councils for rural parts. More recent figures indicate that near to 800 metric tons of waste is collected daily and this figure is set to increase to 1000 metric tons daily in the coming old ages. The followers is a interruption up of the beginnings of waste by tunnage. Trade and Industry: 150 tonnes/ twenty-four hours Domestic waste: 600 tonnes/ twenty-four hours Hotels: 50 tonnes/ twenty-four hours It has been estimated that, on norm, each individual generates 0.6 kilogram of waste daily. Whereas an mean household generates 800 kilogram per twelvemonth. ( Solid Waste Unit, Ministry of Local Government )Type of Waste Percentage of WasteTable 2 -Tonnage of Waste -Mare Chicose Landfill for Year 2007 to 2009 From the graph it can be concluded that the coevals on waste is being unbroken addition. Metallic tins: It is estimated that 28 million metal tins are imported yearly and this is set to increase at a rate of 5.7 % annually.2.4.1 HOTEL WASTE GENARATIONEach hotel room generates an estimated 9.2 kilogram of waste per twenty-four hours ( Wisnu 1998b ) . In Indonesia, per capita waste coevals rates were 0.65-0.83 kg/day in big metropoliss, 0.55-0.63 kg/day in medium metropoliss and 0.47-0.5 kg/day in little towns ( Jindal et al. , 1998 ) . Therefore, the sum of waste generate per hotel room is over 10 times the sum of waste generated per twenty-four hours.From both survey it was concluded that 80 % of waste is organic 2.4.2 Waste Disposal The authorized mopess are found at: ( 1 ) Poudre D'Or ( 2 ) Mt St Pierre ( 3 ) Riche Fond ( 4 ) Solferino ( 5 ) La Martiniere An unspecified figure of unauthorized mopess exist throughout the island. Though illegal dumping takes topographic point at these sites, the governments turn a blind oculus because of the deficiency of appropriate constructions to cover with all the wastes generated on the island. The present method of waste disposal can non go on for long as the mopess are overruning with heterogenous waste and unfastened mopess have obvious disadvantages like the emanation of air pollutants and smells, taint of the H2O tabular array with ooze and taint of aquatic resources like rivers and the laguna. The Roche Bois shit besides situated close to the shore receives domestic, commercial and industrial waste from the Port Louis country. About 100 metric tons of solid waste are discharged daily at the site and so incinerated. The bordering laguna is later polluted with all types of solid waste, it besides a receptacle for sewerage and industrial waste discharge.2.5 Waste ManagementWaste direction ‘ shall intend â€Å" the aggregation, conveyance, recovery and disposal of waste, including the supervising of such operations and aftercare of disposal sites † However the newer constructs of ‘Waste direction ‘ talk about ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle of waste ‘ over and above waste disposa1. 2.5.1Waste Minimization Approaches to Hotel Waste The Waste Hierarchy is a list of attacks to pull offing waste, arranged in order of importance. Below is a common graphical representation of the Hierarchy, with the least preferable option for pull offing waste, Recovery, located at the right terminal and the most preferable option, Reduction, located at the beginning left. WASTE MINIMIZAT10N APPRAOCHES Waste Minimization Techniques Delivered by Hotel Decrease Decrease is the topmost attack in the hierarchy of waste direction. It is possibly the most of import component of the waste hierarchy and besides the one which presents the toughest challenges. Harmonizing to the book â€Å" Waste Treatment and Disposal † , decrease â€Å" is the scheme that waste production from commercial ingestion should be reduced. It concerns the ingestion and buying of longer lasting merchandises, and merchandises which are likely to ensue in less waste when they are used. Examples of waste decrease are: purchasing by majority, and utilizing options. Reuse This is the 2nd most of import attack in the hierarchy of waste direction. Reuse is the aggregation and reuse of stuffs, for illustration cleansing and reuse of glass bottles. † Reuse is a more effectual usage of resources. Many of these merchandises can be reused alternatively of being disposed of to landfill Many waste merchandises have the possible to be reused enabling buying cost nest eggs at the installation, every bit good as diminishing waste direction cost. The attack of recycling merchandises can make alterations in attitudes towards disposable merchandises. Examples of merchandises that can be reuse are: used Surs, glass and plastic bottles, scrap paper, and plastic bags. RecoveryThis is the 3rd and concluding attack in the hierarchy of waste direction. It includes two types of waste recovery, which are recycling and composting. Harmonizing to the book â€Å" Waste Treatment and Disposal † , â€Å" ( 1 ) Recycling. The possible to recycle stuff from waste is high, Recycling: reprocessing of a cast-off waste stuff to do it suited for subsequent re-use either for its original signifier or for other intents Recycling is good in two ways: it reduces the inputs and reduces the sum of waste produced for disposal.Finally on recycling we can salvage conveyance vehicles, care cost, fuel costIn Mauritius, figures for 2000 show that merely 15 820 metric tons of waste per twelvemonth was being recycled alternatively of 100,000 metric tons ( Min. of Env. & A ; N.D.U-2003 ) .2.6 Benefits of Waste MinimizationThe benefits of the execution of waste minimisation at the hotel whether little, medium or big installation are as follows: 1. Less waste coevals will be produced due to the execution of waste minimisation plans in hotels and the support of tourer visitants and employees. As a consequence, the market tendencies, which attract and motivate tourers to see additions since the environmental quality is maintained. More tourer will be attracted 2. Giving back to the community and demoing environmentally friendly concerns besides enhances the mentality of the hotel ‘s public image. Being socially responsible shows how much the concern attentions about the outside elements that makes the concern successful, and non merely about net incomes 3. Having an environmental focal point of the hotel ‘s operations creates a market niche dividing that peculiar hotel from its rivals, whom are non eco-friendly. An environmental focal point is comparatively new in the hotel industry. 5. Increasing net incomes consequence since an abundant sum of money buying new merchandises which the installation could hold been utilizing the reclaimable merchandises alternatively and paying less for waste disposal. 2.7 Troubles of Waste Minimization Merely as there are many benefits of waste minimisation, there are so many troubles. 1. Although waste decrease, reuse and recovery have become an built-in portion of many hotel direction programs, infinite restrictions and finance frequently make this procedure problematic for some installations. 2. Limited cognition and preparation can be strenuous for directors to train their employees in transporting out these environmentally friendly patterns. Lack of control over these behaviours can be rather demanding. 3 At the smaller hotels, the costs outweigh the benefits go forthing the installation with no inducement to transport out this sustainable manner of operating. Environmental consciousness is turning at a slow rate.2.7 Tourism: Solid waste coevals and impactsHotel activities tend to bring forth big sum of solid wastes ; waste paper, letter paper and ink cartridges from the administrative offices and staff quarters ; old furniture equipments from invitee suites ; nutrient garbages, broken glasswork and other solid waste from the kitchen, saloon and eating houses ; newspapers and magazines from the forepart desk, waste flora from greenscaping and out of usage equipments from the care section. The touristry industry can hold positive impacts for a state. For illustration: addition of national net income, sweetening of the state ‘s planetary image, conveying in investors and improved substructure. On the other manus, negative effects are besides felt ; environmental debasement and pollution, resource depletion and harm to marine ecosystem.2.8 Importance of a good Solid Waste ManagementWaste is unsightly, malodourous and inaesthetic, fouling land, air and H2O, choke offing drainage systems, presenting serious public wellness hazards, and curtailing possible land usage ( Pernia,1992 ) .Improper SWM can ensue in pollution and wellness hazards and waste, if non disposed of decently can go a nuisance and a wellness hazard.Decomposing waste seaport disease vectors, attracts varmint and assist the proliferation of gnawers and rats ( national province of Allegro Papgayo hotel in Costa Rica was closed because of bad and unsustainable waste direction patterns which lead to ocean pollution in the milieus and bad smelling ( â€Å" Costa Rica ‘s Occidental Grand Papagayo to shut? † ,2008 ) . A good SWM is indispensable and should stress on environmental protection and wellness2.9 Approach to a Sustainable and Integrated Solid Waste ManagementAt present, more and more hotels are implementing sustainable patterns to cut down touristry impacts on the environment by utilizing H2O, energy and other stuffs expeditiously. These are termed as â€Å" ecogreen † hotels. This reduces cost for waste disposal and increased net incomes. In Mauritius some hotels like Oberoi Hotel and Le Plantation utilizing recycles points and one eating house from Le Plantation Hotel is made of all recycles stuffs like all home bases, spectacless, chairs, tabular arraies and so on.Another illustration is that At Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Isla nd, FL, more than 5.5 dozenss of waste is collected for recycling each hebdomad.2.9.1 Energy recoveryTreating waste thermally WTE with heat recovery can assist to provide a clean and trusty energy under the signifier of heat and power. This can lend to salvaging energy ( Pavlas, et al. , 2009 ) . One illustration is Payatas, whereby electricity is produced from methane gas ( Serrona, Yu, 2009 ) . Energy recovery is a really sustainable solution to Plastic Solid Waste since plastics have a high calorific content and corporal energy. Cement kilns and fluidized beds are utilised to retrieve energy from PSW ( S.M. Al-Salem et al. , 2009 ) .2.9.2 CompostingComposting is a natural procedure that turns organic stuff into a dark rich substance. This substance, called compost, is a fantastic conditioner for dirt. It is the decomposition of the organic fraction of waste to bring forth a stable merchandise such as dirt conditioners and turning stuff for workss. Composting can salvage money for transportation of waste to landfill Composting is found to be the best manner to cover with organic types of waste generated ( Narayana, 2009 ) . In fact, for solid waste which have a high wet content and low calorific value, for illustration: nutrient wastes and greenscaping wastes, aerophilic composting is the best method for pull offing this waste. ( Narayana, 2009 ) .2.9.3 WASTE REDUCTIONRefillable agreeableness dispensers can replace soap, lotion, shampoo and conditioner bottles in hotel invitee suites. In Food and Beverage they can buy big Sn butter and replenishing in little porcelain pot instead than to purchase really little butter with smaller plastic container They can utilize Beverage Dispenser instead than can.They cut down waste, cut operating costs and salvage clip. Housekeeping directors save staff clip when they buy extremely concentrated cleansing supplies. Engineering directors cut waste and increase productiveness when they switch from candent visible radiations to fluorescent or LED bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs last five times every bit long as incandescents and LED ‘s operate 25 times longer. Modular mattresses allow hotels to replace merely the mattress tops, non the remainder of the units. They extend the seven-year mean life of hotel mattresses by five to ten old ages. Hotel eating houses cut down waste by utilizing washable table fabrics and dinnerware, reclaimable java filters and by supplying condiments in majority dispensers. Hotels can extinguish bottled H2O waste by utilizing filtered H2O. There are many more godforsaken bar schemes that hotels could deploy, such as: eliminating unrequested newspapers ; necessitating paperss to be printed on both sides of the page and with a smaller fount and borders ; inquiring hotel providers to cut down extra packaging ; and holding staff usage lasting mugs and cups, instead than disposables. The old furniture and the bed with the bed sheet can be donated to the infirmary establishments for reused and at the same clip their CSR additions.RecyclingMerchandises with minimum packaging can be ordered. Make grass cycling with the grass from the lawn. Stop supplying disposable mugs for illustration, purchase company mugs. Buy lasting towels, serviettes, etc. Promote the invitees to return the reclaimable merchandises. Introduce the waste bar programme to the invitees. ( ecogreenhotel, 2009 ) .2.9.5. Environmental Management SystemsEnvironmental direction systems ( EMSs ) provide a model that can assist organisations incorporate tools such as cleaner production. EMSs involve the accomplishment of environmental ends through the direction of environmental facets in a consistent manner. Environmental ends, policies, mensurable aims are set by the administration and achieved through the control of operations. Waste minimisation can be an Environmental Policy and nonsubjective set is less than 2 % of Solid Waste Generation or Zero Waste2.9.6 EIA Guide Line For Proposed Coastal Hotel Projects, July 2004In 2008, some 44 EIA licenses were granted of which 12 ( 27 % ) were issued to set down allotment and 8 ( 18 % ) were provided to coastal hotels and related plants There is an addition of hotel in our coastal part and an EIA is requires under subdivision 15 of the EPA 2002 for the coastal hotels.Under subdivision 3.7 of the EIA guideline, July 2004, for each impact the subdivision should province stairss to avoid or cut down it, for illustration, is as follows: Beginning, Type, Generation, ,Collection and disposal of solid wastes One EIA study for Proposal for the Construction of new Hotel at Tamarin Medine Ltd had been verified and found that that the undermentioned statement has been made Waste generated from the kitchen and accoutrement services if non decently managed may do direct impact on the environing.Indirect impacts may be caused by proliferation of rats, insects and emanation of bad odor ( EIA Report,2009 -Ministry of Environment and N.D.U. )2.9.7 Impact Mitigation MeasuresHotels will be committed to suitably pull off its solid wastes. Equally much as possible, solid waste wastes will be sorted for its different constituents. Biodegradable waste will be composted.Other waste will be kept in certain bins located in the dorsum house prior being carted off by accredited companies.Measures for waste direction to be implemented are as follows: Kind out wastes at beginning ( glass, paper, biodegradable substances, metals, tins Compost garden green waste and kitchen waste Provide particular bin for disposal of batteries, cartridges, bulbs etc ( EIA study Tamarin Medine Ltd,2009 ) 2.9.8 Environment and Health Waste is unsightly and malodorous, fouling land, air and H2O, choke offing drainage systems, presenting serious public wellness hazards, and curtailing possible land usage The combustion of refuse releases smoke and risky substances. Leachate from the waste can pollute dirt, surface H2O and groundwater. Mosquitos that can transport dengue fever as last twelvemonth this disease recur. Mosquitoes breed in fresh H2O from accumulated rainfall in tins and bottles.Disease vectors such as mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and gnawers thrive on solid waste Workers frequently do non utilize safety equipment such as facemasks, ear stoppers, baseball mitts and proper footwear, and there is a demand for instruction about wellness and safety issues2.9.9. EconomicWaste recycling can cut down waste disposal costs for local governments by widening the life of landfills, cut downing the demand to put in conveyance vehicles and equipment, cut downing vehicle operation and care costs, and cut downing fuel ingestion for transporting waste Businesss are provided with inexpensive natural stuffs. In Mauritius some hotels are used recycle stuffs such as the home bases make of spectacless, chairs, kitchen waste usage for composting and used for gardening.Thus the usage of recycled stuffs reduces the demand to import natural stuffs, intending that less money is spent on foreign currency.RESEARCH METHODOLOY3.1 Research MethodsInformation was gathered utilizing a assortment of methods to derive a better apprehension of the state of affairs, issues, positions and precedences. The primary informations will be obtained by using the undermentioned methods viz. Interviews, Site Visit for Observations, Email of Survey Questionnaires to the selected Hotel The secondary informations will be obtained by reexamining the literature obtaining from the goggle bookman, University of Mauritius Library Search, Publications, ,Magazine Articles and Resent News.Some information will besides be obtained from the -Newspaper L'Express3.2 Document and Literature ReviewLiterature refering solid waste direction in hotel industry was reviewed. Documents were collected from assorted beginnings such as universities, industry associations, foreign bureaus, authorities establishments, AHRIM, Books, Magazine Articles, Publications, Present News, research bookman utilizing goggle and statistic office, Ministry of Environment and National Development Unit, Ministry Of Local Government, Solid Waste Unit3.3InterviewsInterviews will be conducted with the Small, Medium and Large Hotels, To larn about the Hotel Solid Waste Management ( HSWM ) plan, I will interview staff chiefly the Maintenance Manager, Quality Assurance Manager, Health and Safety O fficer, the Head of Restaurant, Chef Cook, Food and Beverage Manager, Executive Housekeeper from those selected hotel Consecutive conversations with the staffs will be helpful for deriving a better apprehension of the issues that emerged. An initial set of inquiries will be prepared as per our Survey Questionnaire Appendix I in progress and extra inquiries were asked as the interviews will be conducted. This site visit interview will be appropriate for our mini undertaking Harmonizing to Tourism Welfare Fund Authority and AHRIM the undermentioned hotels are classified asHotel SizeROOM RANGENO OF HOTELS FROM LISTSAMPLE SIZESmall1-506161Medium50 – 1003461Large& gt ; 1003861A pilot study questionnaire will be designed by me and one questionnaire will be sent to for illustration Oberoi Hotel or any hotel..A brief session will be done with the Management, the Quality Assurance Manager of the hotel.The questionnaire will be redesigned for easy application in hotel sector. Hotels will be selected harmonizing to their room scope as shown in table above.The hotel representative will be contacted for the research on solid waste direction at these hotel. A consent and understanding will be obtained for our handiness to those hotels. The study questionnaire will be posted by mail for their exact apprehension of the questionnaire and can look for information about solid waste generated by the hotel. An assignment will be fixed and during our study, we will carry on a site visit rating about the different waste coevals, the estimated measures of waste generated and waste minimisation by the different section and its hotel waste direction within the hotel. An audit programme will be prepared for scrutinizing about the solid waste coevals in those selected hotels for how solid waste is treated, disposed, who removed the waste, the consequence of these solid waste in the environment During our study with one hotel, we can be referred to other hotels and if new hotel it will added to our list of hotels to be surveyed.Because some hotels can reply the questionnaire really tardily or some will non reply at all. Obtaining entree to these hotels will be a really ambitious task.Normally it is non easy from acquiring entree in hotels.3.4ObservationField work refering to solid waste direction in hotel will be conducted harmonizing a Gantt Chart.. These field visits helped us to familiarise with solid waste direction patterns and challenges in the hotel industries. During our site visit a solid waste audit will be carried out utilizing the same questionnaire as per study.Observations and issues will be discussed informally with staff and consequences will be noted. The Waste Management Practices, Solid Waste Minimization, Reuse, and Recycling will be observed for the different size hotelDatas AnalysisAll information and information obtained will be statistically analyzed utilizing the SPSS package Both qualitative and quantitative informations will be used to depict and measure the hotel solid waste direction plan. Qualitative information analysis involved reexamining paperss and sorting informations into similar classs and subjects. Quantitative information will be tabulated and so interpreted.3.4. Challenges and RestrictionsMaking research involves undertaking a figure of challenges because world frequently differs from what is planned. In this subdivision, challenges and obstructions will meet during the research procedure will be identified.Lack of AccessibilityMany hotel can assist us to derive entree to other hotels which will ease our entree to the hotels.The job of deriving entree can be a serious job particularly for hotel.Even with the support of the hotels mentioned above, deriving entree to the hotels visit were will be really hard. 3.6 Appendix II for Calculation of Solid Waste Generated by Hotel4.0 Chapter 4 – Discussion4.1 ANALYSIS OF HOTEL INSDUSTRYYear Year 2006 Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009 2010 Jan to Feb No. Of Tourist Arrival 788276 906971 930456 871356 164223 The reaching of tourer from twelvemonth 2006 to twelvemonth 2003 shows an addition in the reaching of tourer and a little lessening in twelvemonth 2009 due to fiscal crisis.The prognosis of the reaching this twelvemonth,2010 has the inclination to increase to 915,000. Prognosis of tourer reachings are based on the followers: – yesteryear tendencies infinite being a major restraint on such a little island. It is clear that Mauritius will confront acute jobs of solid waste disposal in the following few old ages. At the terminal of December 2009, there were 102 registered hotels in operation, with a entire room capacity of 11,456 and 23,235 bed topographic points. The mean room tenancy rate for all hotels for 2009 was 61 % while bed tenancy rate averaged 54 % .Table 3 Show Hotels, Rooms and Bed topographic pointsDue to the widespread and rapid touristry growing, the negative environmental impacts of the touristry industry are rather apparent. Tourism greatly depends on environmental and cultural resources, which offers resource-based activities that invariably interact with the natural systems. One of the chief environmental impacts of the cordial reception industry is increased load to solid waste direction It is found from the literature reappraisal that if solid waste are non decently managed, there may be negative consequence on the environment and the community In Mauritius many hotels are non mensurate the qty of waste being produced. However if these hotels kept the waste informations it will be a great benefit for them to command the cost.Screening and Storage and Waste DisposalIn hotel really the waste is collected in different bins. Some hotels chiefly the big one will utilize separate bins for segregating waste at beginning.Different bins, Food bin, Glass Bin, Plastic Bin are placed at kitchen and restaurant country.The big hotel will emptied these bins as when required and on every dark before traveling place.Then the bins are clean and kept in a specific topographic point for drying.Large Hotel has fund to finance the waste programme and handiness of topographic point for storage. Most of the Small and Medium Hotels deficiency of infinite and the storage is non in appropriate conditions For Most of the hotel the transportation is subcontracted to cleaning service such as Securiclean, Maxiclean ltd or even to private lorry.Sometime due to hapless direction of solid waste, hapless storage, and abnormality of waste bearer to roll up waste, make rise to bad odor, gnawers and sometimes it is non esthetics. There are batch of little and Medium Hotel dispose in an inappropriate conditions. In 2008, the entire sum of solid waste landfilled at Mare Chicose increased to 400,813 metric tons from 394,118 metric tons in 2007, up by 1.7 % Domestic waste constituted 93 % of the entire solid waste landfilled in 2008. The tendency of the sum of solid wastes landfilled is as shown belowWaste Reduction ProgramsWaste decrease plan is forestalling waste at its beginning, at a peculiar hotel installation. See Figure I, II and III for Sorting and Storage Bins used by Large Hotel Waste coevals by hotels and most of the hotels does non follow the Waste Reduction Programme.The Number of Small and Medium Hotels is more than the big hotels and each of these hotels when add all the waste together does a negative consequence on solid waste in Mauritius. Tourist who stay at these hotels do so anticipating to be pampered and unworried. Therefore, waste decrease plans need to be concentrated in such a manner to extinguish the impairment of the service Therefore, waste minimisation is indispensable in the hotel industry with respects to blow decrease, reuse, recovery and disposalSeasonal Effect on Waste GenerationIt is apparent that the measures of solid waste coevals by hotels besides depend on the season. The season with high hotel tenancy rate called â€Å" high season † is from November to May. We expect that the coevals of waste will be increased in high season while the low season is from June to October as per Oberoi Hotel, Le Plantation, and Mourouk Ebony Hotel.REGULATION, EMS and Environmental PolicyVery few Hotels has an Environmental Policy.It is notices that merely the big hotels are certified ISO 14001 such as Sun Resorts and Labourdonais Hotel. The two hotels mentioned has its Environmental and Purchasing Policy for Waste Minimization, Reduction, Reused and Recovery. These hotels are Eco friendly.They buy largely Eco merchandises that will non harm the environment5.0 DecisionClearly, it takes clip and attempt to develop an effectual waste direction plan. However, it pays off with a better underside line, a greener image and an healthier environment for any types of hotel.The HSWM plan provides a theoretical account for larning about the conditions refering to solid waste direction in Mauritius. The complexness of issues associated with solid waste direction makes solid waste planning and direction a challenging undertaking. The end of this research is to aim the cordial reception industry to implement waste direction policies and patterns via waste decrease, reuse, recycling and composting to minimise the sum of waste come ining the waste watercourse. It is besides apparent that little and average hotels pay less attending for the execution of waste minimisation than larger hotels, because the costs outweigh the benefits. Since they are non bring forthing an copiousness of solid waste, these smaller hotels believe it is non economically executable to pattern these techniques at their installation. However everyone must do it a duty on their portion the articulation the race for environmental quality.6.0 RecommendationsFor any hotels whether little, medium or big hotel, the undermentioned actions need to be taken in order for the HSWM to be successfully implemented6.1 AT the Level of the HotelAction 1: Make a waste decrease squadThere should be a full committedness of the top direction on how to cut down, reuse or recycle the waste being generated.Management ‘s function is to supply way and support. When the direction squad to the full supports rubbish decrease, employees will experience motivated to take part. See composing a formal environmental policy that includes waste decrease.Action 2 Cost ManagementSet up an accounting system that reflects monthly refuse direction costs and nest eggs. Generate a monthly study that tracks disposal and recycling information. Establish a budget for the recycling plan. Allocate financess for buying recycling containers and equipment and for implementing instruction and publicity plans.Action 3: Behavior a Waste AssessmentBefore you design a successful decrease plan. Carry out a solid waste appraisal By analyzing the contents of your installation ‘s Dumpsters and entering how frequently they are emptied, you can find the types and sum of cast-off points and make up one's mind which can be recycledAction 4: Establish Waste Reduction GoalsAnalyze the Waste Stream Assessment signifier that you completed in the old measure, and expression for stuff that can be reduced, reused, or recycled. Then set ends for each attack. As a sensible outlook, you might take to cut down waste production by 10 per centum, reuse 10 per centum of the waste now being discarded, and recycle 50 per centum. Remember, up to two-thirds of a hotel ‘s waste is reclaimable!ACTION 5: BUY RECYCLE PRODUCTSTo to the full take part in the recycling procedure, hotels need to buy merchandises made from recycled stuffs every bit good as cod recyclables. Buying recycled merchandises helps develop the market for reclaimable stuffs and increases their value.ACTION 6 EDUCATE STAFF AND PROMOTE THE PROGRAMMEThroughout your recycling plan, you will acknowledge an ongoing demand to advance and promote full engagement by employees and invitees. Employees will necessitate continual developing on aggregation and storage of reclaimable stuffs. Guests will necessitate guidelines for dividing stuffs for recycling.ACTION 7: Form a Cluster for Small and Medium EntrepriseFor Small and Medium Hotels, they can organize a bunch and authorities can assist them in giving grant for implementing the solid waste minimisation and installations such as bins, and aggregation for transportation in order for successful of the waste direction.However many little and average hotels do non hold adequate infinites and therefore authorities shall necessitate to supply a topographic point where all little and average hotels can dispose his organic waste for composting.However they can farm out the composting procedure.Action 8: Donate/Recycle Old or Reclaimable MaterialsHotel care and upkeep requires that points like rug, phones, mattresses, etc. be upgraded and replaced sporadically. Oftentimes, reclaimable or reclaimable stuffs are frequently discarded in the procedure. It is suggested that the Hotel reach the undermentioned local resources before disposing of potentially reclaimable stuffs List of Recycling Companies available at the Ministry of Local Government, Solid Waste Unit6.2 NATIONAL Degree:6,2.1 Role of the GovernmentThe authorities should promote the development of better waste direction through waste decrease, reuse, recycling, invention or rethinking and should back up concerns and communities through pilot undertakings, support, preparation, proficient aid, information exchange, follow-up support and monitoring. The authorities should promote better waste direction patterns and assist create markets for waste stuffs through policy devising, economic inducements,6.2.1 RegulationsEnforcement of ordinances should be Ministry of Environment and non merely by Solid Waste Unit. Campaigns/promotions and by recognizing and giving awards to outdo patterns in waste direction, the authorities would assist increase the populace ‘s consciousness of enterprises such as the HSWM plan and promote others to follow si milar attacks. Educational activities such as the administration of conferences, seminars and workshops, publication of preparation manuals, and best patterns,6.2.3 FURTHER RESEARCHApart from solid waste direction, farther survey on WTE, Quality Of Composting, Energy ingestion and H2O ingestion by Hotel demand to be conducted for future research.