Sunday, November 10, 2019

Evil Doers or Evil Genes

Antisocial personality disorder s a mental health condition In which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others. This behavior Is often criminal. Like all personality disorders, antisocial personality disorder Is a deeply Ingrained and enduring behavior pattern, manifesting as an Inflexible response to a broad range of personal and social situations This behavior represents an extreme or significant deviation from the way In which the average Individual In a given culture relates to others.This behavior pattern tends to be stable. It may not cause sub]ectlve distress, but does cause problems In social performance. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder often are divorced, have alcohol/drug abuse, anxiety, depression, unemployment, homelessness, and criminal behavior. However, some Individuals with this disorder rise to high posltlons of power In society by becoming masters ot manipulation and deceit. In childhood, these i ndividuals usually have oppositional defiant disorder, towards parents and eachers which develops into conduct delinquency in adolescence.This delinquency takes the torm ot reckless thrill-seeking, physical violence towards people or animals, and law-breaking. Most adolescent delinquents grow out ot this behavior as they enter adulthood. However, those that increase their delinquent behavior as they enter adulthood have their diagnosis changed from conduct disorder to antisocial personality disorder. In adulthood, these individuals become more antagonistic. They show an exaggerated sense of self-importance, insensitivity towards the feelings and eeds of others, and callous exploitation of others.Their increased manipulativeness, callousness, deceitfulness, and hostility repeatedly puts them at odds with other people An individual diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder needs to meet the following criteria, Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.Reckless disregard for safety of self or others. Consistent Irresponsibility, as Indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations Lack of remorse, as Indicated by being Indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. Three percent of the population, or about 8,100,000 individuals In the united states have antisocial personality disorder. The National comorbldlty survey, which used DSM-III-R criteria, found that 5. 8% of males and 1 . 29t of females showed evidence of a Ilfetlme risk for the disorder.Prevalence estimates wlthln cllnlcal settings have varied from 39t to 30%, depending on the predominant characteristics of the populations being sampled. About ot men and ot women in the population have this disorder. Although in later adulthood, the more outward and aggressive symptoms ot ASPD may diminish and the person remain, thereby affecting the individual's role in society as well as all those who come n contact with him/her. The disorder tends to occur more often in men than in women, and in people whose predominant role model had antisocial features.The incidence of antisocial personality is higher in people who have an antisocial biological parent, parents with histories of drug and/or alcohol abuse and who physically and/or emotionally abused the individual during childhood. Abandonment may have been an issue for the person with ASPD Antisocial personality disorder is probably caused by a combination of factors. Having any of these characteristics oes not necessarily mean that a person has antisocial personality disorder. Influences from the environment can impact the onse t of this disorder.A chaotic family life contributes to the development of this personality disorder, especially where there has been little supervision from parents or other adult role models. The disorder also may be more common where the community is not supportive or provides little reward for positive behavior. Genetic or biological factors. Researchers have found certain physiological responses that may occur more frequently in people ith antisocial personality disorder. For example, they have a comparatively flat response to stress. They seem to get less anxious than the average person.Some researchers have found changes in the volume of brain structures that mediate violent behavior. People with this kind of brain function may thus have more difficulty restraining their impulses, which may account for the tendency toward more aggressive behavior. Neurobiologists cannot say with certainty that these variations in brain structure are a cause of antisocial personality. The vari ations could easily be he result of life experiences that are more common in people with this personality disorder rather than a cause.The cause of this disorder is unknown however, genetics and environmental factors influence its development. I believe that personality makes each individual special and consists of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Personality is forged during childhood via the interplay of genetics and environmental factors. Problems with inherited genetics or the early environment, such as significant exposure to abuse and/or violence, make it more likely that a ersonality disorder such as ASPD will develop. Therefore, I believe in order to understand the cause of ASPD, both genetics and the environment need to be explored.Dr. Martha Stout, in her book, â€Å"The Sociopath Next Door,† explains that a genetic predisposition for sociopath may already present at birth for some people. Determinations regarding how this increased risk for ASPD become expressed c ome from an individual's life experiences. We are accustomed to think of sociopaths as violent criminals, but in The Sociopath Next Door, Harvard psychologist Martha Stout eveals that a shocking 4 percent of ordinary people†one in twenty-five†has an often undetected mental disorder, the chief symptom of which is that that person possesses no conscience.

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