Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Chronic Diseases

Question: What can nurses do to prepare themselves to care for individuals with chronic illness? Answer: Introduction: Chronic means long term and disease means pathological changes of the bodys normal condition. Multiple organ defects may leads to death (Carlin et al., 2012). There are many causes for chronic disease like economical condition, genetical defect, bad life style etc. This is the condition where patients need some extra care and there is the specific role of every nurse. A small outline of the preparation part is demonstrated (Armstrong, 2013). Preparatory outline: In health care system, the nurses plays a great role and the number of nurses in any institution is major than any other professionals. The skills and knowledge of nurses directly depends upon the quality of services in any healthcare organization. So the updated knowledge with high technical skill should require for being a good nurse. Patients can meet nurses more times than the doctors so the information and education for a patient can be concluded by a nurse only (Ghersi, 2014). The main agenda to prepare nurse in chronic illness is to fulfill the changing need of the chronic ill patient and this is very much important for the patient also. The patient is totally dependent upon nurse and their families also depend upon them (Wu, Hu and Ren, 2015). The proper training and knowledge of management of the chronic ill patient is needed for the betterment of the patient. Health education to the family of the patient is needed for long term management of the patient. This education is p rovided by the nurse only (Helgeson and Holmbeck, 2014). In the oncological field most of the patients are suffering from cancer. Handlings of these cancer patients are very critical (Carlin et al., 2012). This type of chronic deadly disease also needs special care and attention so the roles of nurses in these cases are very vital. Plenty of knowledge and upgraded skills for care needs to develop. According to the data the cases of cancer will increase 14% globally after 2012 (Armstrong, 2013).In this situation the proper and updated training of nursing is needed. Healthcare societies and also government should provide the training programs for nurses which helps them to familiarize with the newer technology and services (Ghersi, 2014). Cancer may occur in any place it may be at skin, lungs, mouth etc. Families of the patient also want some special care for the patient and nurses should adopt the techniques for different types of cancer (Helgeson and Holmbeck, 2014). Conclusion: Nurses are the back bone of any health institution. The service provide by the institution is totally depend s upon nurses and the families of the patient also communicates ands depends upon nurses. Government or health institution should deliver learning programs for the registered nurses to update their skills and level of knowledge. This updated knowledge will help the nurses to care the ill patients efficiently. More the nurses develop their skills more the institution gets help from this. Development of indication based chronic disease organization replicas for nurses are the key of success for the institutions. The nursing skill development as well as development of their knowledge to treat the chronic ill patients helps the patient to live long. References Armstrong, D. (2013). Chronic illness: a revisionist account.Sociology of Health Illness, 36(1), pp.15-27. Carlin, C., Christianson, J., Keenan, P. and Finch, M. (2012). Chronic Illness and Patient Satisfaction.Health Services Research, 47(6), pp.2250-2272. Ghersi, D. (2014). Research translation and chronic illness.The Medical Journal of Australia, 201(6), p.312. Helgeson, V. and Holmbeck, G. (2014). An Introduction to the Special Issue on Peer Relations in Youth With Chronic Illness.Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Wu, Q., Hu, D. and Ren, J. (2015). Chronic Critical Illness Should Be Considered in Long-Term Mortality Study Among Critical Illness Patients.Critical Care Medicine, 43(2), p.e57.

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